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We partner with Real Estate Investors

We partner with wholesalers and real estate investors to provide short-term microfunding for earnest money deposits (EMD), double closings, and hard money loans.

We can also help you talk to sellers, agents, and title companies if you are new to real estate investing.

Gator2Close Best Features


We leverage our network of thousands of partners to fund your deal no matter how big, or how small.


We use the strongest wholesaler contract there is - that you can customize to the particular needs of your state and your deal.


Our Transaction Coordinator ensures excellent communication between all parties.

Team on a Video Call

Why Earnest Money Deposit

JV Microfunding?

You open escrow on many properties every month requiring a lot of EMD.

Or maybe you are new to wholesaling, you’ve found a great deal, and you just need a little help with the EMD.

Or perhaps you’re with a Title Company that sees too many wholesale deals fail for want of an Earnest Money Deposit, and you want to help your wholesalers to close more deals.

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Why Double Close?

Quotation Mark

The National Asscociation of Realtors has billions of dollars. They spend a lot of money lobbing against wholesalers.

Pace Morby

Quotation Mark

The days of unrestricted wholesaling are coming to an end.

Quotation Mark

Double Closing is one way to navigate the growing number of regulatory hurdles facing wholesalers in many states in the USA.

Let’s Stay In Touch:

Are you a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to dip your toes in the Real Estate game? Either way, we've got some juicy tips to share! Click on the link and join our email list for some exclusive insights.

And, as a little thank you for joining our crew, we're throwing in our Wholesale Contract! It's a pro-grade contract that's good to go in all 50 states. Score!



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